Water proofing New Buildings
Professional Remedial Services Limited specialise in structural waterproofing for cellar and basement conversions in Manchester, Cheshire and up to the Lake District. PRS Limited undertake structural waterproofing for Basement and cellar conversions in both new and existing construction. PRS Limited carry out Structural waterproofing to all below ground structures and buildings.
There is a myriad of water proofing solutions for protecting new structures built below the ground, one of these is cavity drain system used internally or externally. All works should be carried out in accordance with BS 8102.
In these pictures the cavity drain membrane system was chosen as it linked in with works to the original structure and the sealing together of both sections proved to be a simple operation. Non earth retaining walls were isolated making the installation competitive.

In this contract below the use of the Fosroc MR 3000 has been used externally and protected with a drainage membrane to allow any water to run to ground and then away in a land drain to supplied drainage on the site.